
Spike eskin twitte
Spike eskin twitte

spike eskin twitte

A perfect example LD can give you actually comes from the man Drew himself. They have podcasts they are pushing, are constantly trying to put out well thought out observations on the team, but at the end of the day they are no better then glorified cheerleaders. These guys present themselves are analysts. LD has talked at LENGTH about how he can’t stand people who basically root against their favorite teams, but the Drew Corrigan’s of the world take it to a whole new level in the opposite direction. He makes all the biggest most obvious references, talks about local teams with such broad strokes he feels like a national reporter, and worst of all these guys are bigger homers then Bill Simmons. A “Drew Corrigan” is a guy who roots for his sports team like a Bleacher Report twitter account. A young man by the name of Drew Corrigan, who Philadelphia talk radio royalty Spike Eskin correctly pegged as “the thirstiest man on twitter.” LD is very certain every single online sports community has Drew Corrigan’s in them, hell Philly ALREADY has a second Drew Corrigan on their hands (I’m looking at you Victor Williams). This takes us to the subject of today’s blog.

spike eskin twitte

Since LD resides in South Jersey, even though he isn’t an Eagles fan/Sixers fan he is incredibly knowledgeable in both those online fandoms, and is quiet ensconced in them. LD is connected to the Packers, Arsenal and Timberwolves twitter communities despite living far from all those physical locations. It’s very easy to see this in action in the great wide world of twitter sports. Social media allows communication and connection on an unparalleled world wide scale.

spike eskin twitte

We tend to only think about the selfie obsessed and the bullying that can happen on these apps, and we forget all the positives that have came from them, that we now take for granted. Social media gets hated on a lot in today’s society, with us mostly concentrating on the negatives that have sprouted up in recent years.

Spike eskin twitte